As a part of Erasmus fellowship exchange program, Carlo Gregoretti (RG) of Padova university is staying with us here at department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Mekelle University for two weeks. His area of expertise is mainly debris flow and he has been giving training about it for our postgraduate students and staffs. He covered from the fundamentals of debris flow to modelling and simulations, including some practical examples. With his permission I have shared his slides here.
You can find the slides by clicking the images.
1. Introduction:
2. Debris flow: the phenomenon
You can find the slides by clicking the images.
1. Introduction:
2. Debris flow: the phenomenon
3. Capability and reliability of models to reproduce physical processes associated to debris flow:
4. Simplified rainfall-runoff model for headwater Rocky basins:
5. Debris flow: the deposition
6. Models for routing and deposition of debris flow
7. Rainfalls triggering debris flow